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Our Lady Catholic Primary School

Our Lady Catholic
Primary School

School Vision

Our School Vision

"To inspire all to achieve their best every day"

The Vision Statement of Our Lady School Governing Body

Our Lady School is a safe, strong, vibrant, creative place where children receive excellent teaching and love through the guidance of the scriptures and the gospel teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pupils are supported and guided spiritually and morally, learning how to make good effective choices. This is seen through our policies, procedures, behaviour and most importantly through our actions. All talents are recognised and everyone feels successful, enjoys their learning, makes good progress and achieves their potential.

Our vibrant curriculum is broad and balanced which facilitates deep and enriching learning experiences within every subject. We encourage and promote the retention of learning, ‘sticky’ learning, by making it relevant, purposeful and pertinent to each year group. We revisit and develop knowledge, skills and understanding to ensure than learning is embedded and progressive over time. We embrace new technologies that gives our pupils the skills necessary to prepare them for an international society and economy.

Our school works together with parents, governors, the parish and the community to build a bright future for our children. We give our pupils voice and build their self-esteem, helping them become confident individuals who know how to lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives. We prepare children for their future as active, responsible citizens able to interact making positive contributions to the community.

Our Lady School is an exciting and challenging place for staff and pupils alike.