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Our Lady Catholic Primary School

Our Lady Catholic
Primary School

School Policies 

Please see below our School Policies.

  1. Accessibility Plan Sept 2023
  2. Anti-Bullying Policy March 2024
  3. Assessment Policy June 2020
  4. Attendance Policy July 2023
  5. Behaviour and Exclusion policy March 2023
  6. Calculation Policy
  7. Charging and Remissions Policy November 2022
  8. Child Drop-off and Collection Policy November 2023
  9. Child protection policy Sept 2023-24
  10. Children Looked After (LAC) Policy
  11. Collective Worship Policy March 2020
  12. COVID-19 Policy Statement September 2020
  13. Debt Recovery Policy January 2023
  14. Designing our curriculum 2022-23
  15. DoWAT Complaints Policy
  16. DoWAT Whistleblowing Policy 2023
  17. Educational Visits Policy March 23
  18. Equality information and objectives September 2023
  19. EYFS Policy May 2023
  20. General Data Protection (GDPR) Policy
  21. Handwriting Policy May 2023
  22. Health & Safety Policy
  23. Homework Policy October 2022
  24. Home School Agreement November 2020
  25. Inclusion Policy October 2022
  26. Intimate Care Policy January 2023
  27. Look after children policy Sept 2022
  28. Managing medicine in Schools Sept 22
  29. Marking and Marking Codes Policy May 2023
  30. Medical Conditions Policy January 2023
  31. Appendix 1 Individual Healthcare Plan Template
  32. Appendix 2 Request for OLS to administer medication
  33. Appendix 3 Record of medicine administered
  34. Appendix 4 Request for OLS to Administer Medication (Trips)
  35. Appendix 5 Parent Consent OV7a form
  36. Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy
  37. Modern Slavery Letter to Suppliers Signed
  38. Online Safety Policy September 2023
  39. Phonics and Reading Policy February 2023
  40. Premises Hire Policy September 2022
  41. Reducing the need for physical intervention in schools Oct 2023
  42. RE Policy November 22
  43. Reporting to parents November 2022
  44. Safeguarding Policy Sept 23
  45. Safeguarding Statement 2023
  46. Security Policy
  47. SEN Policy Nov 23
  48. Sex and Relationships Policy Feb 24
  49. Smokefree Policy February 2021
  50. Spritual and Moral Policy January 2020
  51. Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions in School February 2021
  52. Teaching & Learning Policy March 2023
  53. Unacceptable Behaviour DOWAT Statement
  54. Unacceptable Behaviour on School Premises
  55. Uniform Policy March 2023
  56. Volunteers in school May 2023
  57. Work Placement Policy February 2020